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What Is a Totem Pole?

To Look Up at a pole is to Wonder

Was there a time when these magical creatures were alive, when a Thunderbird could pluck an Orca from the sea? Yes. But it might take many years of looking at totem poles to find one’s way back to that place. It might require attending a Potlatch. Indeed, these figures within the pole do come alive and dance—even today. But that is a longer story. For now, we are simply grateful for your curiosity. Wonder more.


Totem Poles are wooden sculptures; they express community, family, story, ancestors, and power. They are the most enduring and iconic symbol of the Pacific Northwest Potlatch culture, and among the most globally recognized Indigenous symbols.

Things To Know About Totem Poles

  • The word “totem” is fundamentally incorrect.
    “Totem” is a term created by anthropologists and then applied here. Historically, the original “pole” was often a house pole, meant to help hold up a house.

  • It’s not culturally insensitive to say “totem pole.”
    Even though “totem” does not accurately capture the original meaning, we are good with it. Anthropologists, in a roundabout way, did us a favour by popularizing a common term that the wider world can recognize. The painter Emily Carr—who lived in Alert Bay—used it extensively in her writing and art.

  • “Low man on the totem pole” isn’t how it actually works.
    The character at the bottom is not inherently less powerful or lower in status than the one higher up. Sometimes it might be; other times it’s the opposite. If you’ve used the phrase “low man on the totem pole,” don’t stress—it’s just not a literal reflection of pole hierarchy.

  • Women do carve and paint poles.
    Although the majority of totem pole carvers have been men, artists like Ellen Neel set powerful examples of accomplished women in this field.

  • Carvers aren’t only “totem pole carvers.”
    Most carvers in the Northwest create a variety of cultural objects—masks, grave markers, rattles—often for use in the Potlatch. Some would say that if a person doesn’t carve to support the Potlatch, they aren’t truly  “carvers”.

  • Poles are raised for many reasons.
    You’ll find poles commissioned by towns or real estate developers, but the most current traditional pole, which is still made for its traditional purpose is the memorial pole, often carved and raised for a Potlatch.

  • A real-life example: the Marcus Alfred Memorial Pole (2024).
    Carved by Master Carver Wayne Alfred in honor of his son Marcus, this memorial pole now stands in a family member’s yard rather than a municipal location. The pole’s purpose and setting are intimately tied to family and community, rather than tourism or public display. [Insert photos]

  • Totem poles are community creations.
    Though led by one or two main carvers, raising a pole takes many hands. Neighbors, family, and friends all pitch in under the lead carver’s guidance—another expression of shared community and culture.

  • Non-Indigenous can take part.
    With the lead carver’s support, non-Indigenous folks may assist in the creation of a pole. For instance, Andrew Logan—a gallerist from NYC—who is part of the Tallest Pole team. [Insert photo]

  • Chainsaws are frequently used in the creation of totem poles.
    Many carvers use chainsaws for the initial shaping, then switch to specialized adzes, chisels, and crooked knives to refine details.

  • Red Cedar is the wood of choice.
    Prized for its straight grain and natural rot resistance, cedar has long been central to totem pole carving. When it’s not available, other woods may occasionally be substituted.


Types of Poles


Many people think of “totem poles” as one uniform style, but in fact there are several distinct types:

  • House Poles: Originally carved to help support or adorn a house.

  • Memorial Poles: Raised in honor or memory of an important individual—often during a Potlatch.

  • Mortuary Poles: Historically used to house the remains of a high-ranking person.

  • Welcome Poles: Placed at the edge of a village or communal space to greet visitors.

  • RIdicule Poles: Less common, these served to publicly shame individuals or entities who owed a debt or acted dishonorably.





Good Books About Totem Poles

  1. Looking at Totem Poles by Hilary Stewart
    University of Washington Press (1993)

    Stewart offers sketches, detailed descriptions, and personal observations, shedding light on the artistry and cultural contexts of Northwest Coast poles.

  2. Discovering Totem Poles: A Traveler’s Guide by Aldona Jonaitis University of Washington Press (2012)
    Placeholder Link
    A friendly introduction for newcomers and travelers, this guide explores a range of pole types, local histories, and cultural significance.


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